Strategic Sponsorship Consulting in the Music and Entertainment Industry
Are You A Brand Visionary?
Are You A Brand Visionary?

Are You A Brand Visionary?

Building your brand is a constant.  It takes time and effort, which can be tough in today’s instantaneous world.  And as an artist, creator, producer or an executive in the music and entertainment industry, this can be daunting if you are not paying attention.

Pharrell Williams was just named Adweeks Brand Visionary for 2022.  His journey, not just in his music career, but also in his brand ventures, is quite brilliant.  He has strategically designed his brand to put himself in a position for success.  And it starts with him as a person.

“As a musician, your name is your brand and your product is the work you do”, Williams said.  “My brand boils down to authenticity.  To me, everything is just about being honest and in trying to express that in the most accessible way possible.”

I also believe that working with brands is not abandoning your music or projects, but rather as an organic extension of them.  It doesn’t matter how many brands you decide to work with, always know that the most important brand is YOU.  Please guard it carefully.

And if you start the process of entertaining brand ventures you’d like to pursue, look for longevity and what this will look like for you in the future.  Creating a meaningful and beneficial partnership for all parties is the goal.

Your brand will redefine itself as you continue to grow creatively, through your music or projects.  And with this, you want to make sure your values and commitments are genuine and real.  Because building this kind of brand equity becomes a cornerstone as you create your brand partnership plan.

Make your identity about building a legacy!

So, are you a brand visionary?

Don’t stop creating,



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